They say I should look forward to the journey from Batan Island to Sabtang. They say it is unforgettable. The waters between Batan and Sabtang Islands have a reputation of being rough, turbulent, frightening. This is where the currents of the vast West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) and the even bigger Pacific ocean clash. Sabtang is accessible via a 30-minute ride aboard the faluwa, the bigger traditional Ivatan boat. like the tataya, the Ivatan dory, they do not have outriggers (katig), either. They say every ride is quite an experience.
I slept through it. Dang it! Blame the weather.
Sabtang Lighthouse
I arrived at Ivana Port as early as 6:30am. The balmy morning turned drizzly in an instant. From the port I could already see the dark clouds hovering over Sabtang Island. When we landed at the San Vicente Port in Sabtang, drizzly turned rainy. but the trip must go on.
I was greeted by our guide, driving a unique tricycle. In Sabtang, their version of the trusty tricycle has a cogon-roofed sidecar. Our first stop was the tourism Office, where we registered and paid the P200 (USD 5) environmental Fee. One can easily complain it is a steep rate, but considering that none of the attractions on the island collect entrance fees and that Sabtang will wrap and smother you with all kinds of beauty, I believe it is more than fair.
The faluwa that ferries passengers from Ivana to Sabtang, and the cogon-roofed tricycle.
Tourists are encouraged to spend at least one night on the island for a fuller experience, but day tours are a good option for those who don’t have time on their side. However, given that the last trip back to Batanes is at 1pm, day trippers will find themselves staying shorter at each stop and haunted by the threat of missing the last boat.
We waited for the rain to subside a little, and when it did it was on! here are the highlights of the tour.
Bu kılavuzda ne kapsıyor?
1. Savidug Village
2. Chamantad-Tinyan Viewpoint
3. Chavayan Village
4. Morong beach / Nakabuang Beach
5. Sabtang Lighthouse
6. San Vicente Ferrer Church
YouTube hakkında daha fazla ipucu ⬇️⬇️r musun yayınlar:
1. Savidug Village
Savidug is one of the traditional villages in Sabtang. three types of Ivatan houses flank the streets of Batanes: the maytuab, stone house with four-sloped thatched cogon roof; the sinadumparan, stone house with two-sloped cogon roof; and the jinjin, wood and cogon. Savidug harbors sinadumparan houses. The stone walls of these houses are all identical, but the doors and windows provide avenues for personal creativity. They add color to the otherwise monotonous structures.
An Ivatan woman wearing a vakul in Savidug Village
The Old Beaterio in Savidug
No thanks to the sour weather, the streets of Savidug were almost empty. Every now and then, bikers passed by and chickens sashayed their merry way across the alleys. A woman wearing a vakul, the cogon-covered headwear, led me to St. Thomas Aquinas chapel and the Old Beaterio, where two other Ivatan women were busy sweeping the grounds. even in the rain, I could not help but have a picture taken inside the Beaterio.
2. Chamantad-Tinyan Viewpoint
Or simply Tinyan Viewpoint. like in Batan Island’s Marlboro country (Racuh a Payaman), a foot trail takes visitors across rolling hills to a viewing area. Rocky cliffs rising from the slopes of the hills, creating natural frames for the fantastic vista of Chamantad Cove below.
Down to the cove!
A guy having a moment of transcendence
A couple doing a pre-nup pictorial by the cliff
But the visual spectacle did not stop there. The tricycle sped in between the supple beach and the mountain edges, presenting a showcase of more of Sabtang’s most incredible landscapes. even when the skies were not in the mood for the sunshine, the island’s colors were enough to brighten up our day.
3. Chavayan Village
When we reached Chavayan Village, the atmosphere was in good humor. A small dog dashed toward me and started nibbling on my shirt. Not the welcome I was expecting, but I would take it. I picked up my new canine pal and gave him back to the little girl that was running after him. It was only then that I had a good look at the village.
A boy collecting sticks by the shore
Chavayan Beach
A stone house in Chavayan Village
One narrow street weaves the small settlement, lined with sinadumparan stone houses. A tiny chapel and a house mark the end of the concrete road and the start of the sandy shore. children in the street played a version of piko; those on the beach picked up sticks to help their parents. One corner lodged tataya boats, waiting for another fishing session. The sand here is far from fine but mixed with shingles and small pebbles. The waves, ferocious as usual.
4. Morong beach / Nakabuang Beach
The sea is tamer at Morong Beach, fringing the other side of the island. also known as Nakabuang Beach, it is a short stretch bookmarked by düşük, çim halı kaplı tepeler. En önde gelen özelliği, bir bütün olarak Sabtang ve Batanes’in bir simgesi haline gelen Nakabuang Arch veya Mahayaw Arch (seçiyorsunuz) olarak adlandırılan bir kemerdir.
İkonik Nakabuang Kemeri
Çevresinde, her zamanki bir öğle yemeği durağı yapan bir restoran var. Rehberimiz, ancak, biz tüm gezi vardı en lezzetli yemekler vardı turdan sonra liman yakınındaki daha küçük Carinia götürdü. (Yerin adını kaçırdım!)
5. Sabtang Deniz Feneri
Sabtang Deniz Feneri
Limanın hemen yanındaki bir uçurumun üzerinde tünemiş olan Sabtang Deniz Feneri, Sabtang Adası’na yaklaşırken sizi selamlayan ilk insan yapımı yapıdır ve Batan’a geri dönerken son veda. Kule, galeri güvertesine kadar bir moloz duvar kaplamasına sahiptir, bu da ona baskın bir organik çekicilik verir. Kırmızı bir fener odası, en iyi çökme dalgalarının ön plana çıktığı limandan görülen yuvarlak ana kuleyi taçlandırır.
6. San Vicente Ferrer Kilisesi
San Vicente Ferrer Kilisesi
Hala zamanınız varsa, San Vicente Ferrer Kilisesi, yani Sabtang Kilisesi’ne adım atın. Limanın hemen karşısında dururken, Ivana’ya geri dönüşünüzü beklerken en iyi son için kaldı. Sitedeki ilk yapı, 1785’te Dominikler tarafından inşa edilen küçük bir şapeldi. O zamandan beri, taş ve kireç şapeli zorluk dalgalarından geçti: sakinler Ivana’ya güçlendirildiğinde bir terk edildi, 1891’de şef Aman Dangat ve 1956’da çan kulesini yok eden bir tayfun.
Tur kısa, zar zor beş saat sürdü, ama zengin bir oldu. Kalmak ve en az bir gece geçirmek istedim, ama uçuşum ertesi gün geçti. Batanes uçuşları ucuz değil; Kendiliğinden bir rezervasyon maliyeti üç kat olurdu.
Saat 13: 00’e kadar, zaten San Vicente Limanı’na geri döndüm, Batan Adası’na geri dönmeye hazırdım ve denizlerin kötü şöhretine tanık olmaktan heyecan duydum.
Bil bakalım ne oldu? Tekrar uyudum. Turu suçluyorum. Ve hava.
Sabtang Adası’na nasıl ulaşılır: Manila’dan Basco’ya uçun. Havaalanında (veya kasaba uygun), Ivana limanına bir üç tekerlekli bisiklet alın (P440 gidiş dönüş, 2 kişi için iyi). Faluwa’yı Sabtang’a (P70/Head) kurun. Limanda, sadece P800 (2 PAX için iyi) için üç tekerlekli bisiklet turları mevcuttur.
Giderlerin Listesi:
Basco Town’dan uygun Ivana Limanı’na üç tekerlekli bisiklet yolculuğu: P440 (2 PAX için iyi)
Faluwa Ivana’dan Sabtang’a yolculuk: P70
Turizm/Çevre Ücreti: P200
Sabtang’ın Üç Bisiklet Turu: P800 (2 Pax için İyi)
YouTube için daha fazla ipucu ⬇️⬇ates
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