North Batan Tour: 10 amazing places in Basco, Batanes

North Batan Tour: 10 amazing places in Basco, Batanes
North Batan Tour: 10 amazing places in Basco, Batanes

I had to pinch myself as I threw another admiring gaze at Chadpidan Boulder beach from the top of a hill. even before we landed, there was an great sense of accomplishment in me just taking a look at the gorgeously wrinkled landscape of Batan Island. Batanes has always sat conveniently on top of my list of dream local destinations, and I was finally here. Batanes is surreal.

The 10-piece Batanes group of Islands formed after colossal underwater volcanic activities millions of years ago. Batan Island was the first to take shape. The capital, Basco, is in the north, in the shadow of Mt. Iraya, an active stratovolcano which last erupted in 1454.

Batan Island is small and can be explored by bicycle, if you have the stamina. The hilly terrain can be quite a challenge. For many tourists who wish a much more unwinded tour, the tricycle is a good option. many traveler spots on the island are divided into two: North and South.

North Batan trip covers the sites in the capital Basco, which takes the northernmost third of the map. numerous who have been to Batanes consider it the least overwhelming of the organized trips (by trike or van), but that may be because it is also the shortest. This makes it the ideal activity on the first day as it gives you a sneak peek of what’s to come. but to give you a sneak peek of what North Batan can offer, here are the places that make up the tour.

Bu kılavuzda ne kapsıyor?

1. Valugan Boulder Beach
2. Nakamaya Burial Grounds
3. Dipnaysupuan Japanese Tunnel
4. Fundacion Pacita
5. PAGASA weather station – Basco
6. Tukon Church (Mt. Carmel Chapel)
7. Vayang Rolling Hills
8. Chadpidan Boulder Beach
9. Naidi Hills (Basco Lighthouse + Bunker Cafe)
10. Basco town Proper

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1. Valugan Boulder Beach

Valugan Plajı
Mt. Iraya’s restlessness reached another top in 400AD when it coughed out numerous boulders into the surrounding beaches. Valugan beach lies on the eastern foot of the volcano. The boulders are actually andesite rocks, which have been continuously polished by the tides and the waves.

Boulders disappear toward the southern end, where shingles and smaller pebbles fill the coast. but if you have swimming plans, forget it. It’s not going to happen here. The waves are wild, raging, and as angry as your boss that they are ready to toss unsuspecting swimmers straight onto the rocks. Strangely enough, it is a ideal spot to chill and simply view the day go by.

2. Nakamaya Burial Grounds

Like many indigenous groups in the Philippines, the Ivatans believed in life after death. They considered the sea their final resting place. This belief is visible in Nakamaya Burial Grounds, which is shaped like a boat and faces the water. Human skeletons discovered here date back to ad 1600.

3. Dipnaysupuan Japanese Tunnel

The 5-door Dipnaysupuan tunnel was built at the height of world war II, when Batanes was also occupied by the Japanese. hidden in the hills of Tukon, these tunnels served as shelter and even a lookout post for the Japanese soldiers.

Inside the Dipnaysupuan Japanese tunnel
You can explore the tunnel’s numerous chambers or climb to the hilltop for another breathtaking panoramic view of the island.

4. Fundacion Pacita

Fundacion Pacita
Fundacion Pacita is a boutique hotel (pricey and way out of my budget range), but day trippers are welcome to explore numerous parts of the place. The place is owned and run by the Abads, the province’s many influential family.

If you have the dough or you’re on a honeymoon, this beautiful hotel has the best accommodations Batanes can offer.

5. PAGASA weather station – Basco

View from PAGASA weather Station
The search for the best vista in Batanes doesn’t stop. another good contender is the PAGASA weather station in Tukun. Perched atop a hill, it allows a 360-degree view of the surrounding landscape which is composed of Mt. Iraya, the sharp cliffs by the beach, and the rolling hills gridded by a web of hedgerows called liveng, used to shield the crops from Güçlü rüzgarlar.

Farther into the horizon is Dinem Island and the faint silhoutte behind it is Itbayat, one of the only three occupied islands of Batanes.

6. Tukon Church (Mt. Carmel Chapel)

Tukon Church is also known as Mt. Carmel Chapel
One of the most visible structure from the weather station is a small hand-hewn chapel built the conventional way. Boulders make up the church’s walls, interrupted only by carved wooden doors and stained glass windows. Inside, hand-painted images of the province’s patron saints, one for each municipality, wrap its ceiling.

Batanes representative Florencio “Butch” Abad had the church built as the realization of his late parents’ wish to have a place of worship within walking distance.

7. Vayang Rolling Hills

The rolling hills of Vayang face the West Philippine Sea
This is the part where you would want to burst into song and, on top ofAkciğerleriniz, tepelerin canlı ve hepsi hakkında bir lirik kemer çıkarın. Ve onlar gerçekten yaşıyorlar. Buruşuk manzara, farklı yeşil tonların katmanları yaratır ve bunların ortasında güzel bir şekilde otlayan ve dinlenen inek ve keçilerdir.

Vayang Rolling Tepeleri.
Tepeler canlı!
Virid toprakları, oynak dalgaları komuta uçurumlarını gıdıklayan Batı Filipin Denizi’nin blues’una kaybolur. Taze esintileri rüzgar tarafından taşınır, bazı durumlarda tehlikeli derecede saldırgandır. Buradan, Naidi Deniz Feneri (Basco Deniz Feneri), denizcileri karşılamaya hazırlanırken görkemli bir şekilde ayakta duruyor.

8. Chadpidan Boulder Plajı

Vayang Rolling Hills’den görüldüğü gibi Chadpidan
Yuvarlanan tepelerden bir başka olağanüstü manzara: Chadpidan Plajı. Valugan’ın ikiz kız kardeşi olan bu Boulder plajı, Batı Filipin Denizi’ne bakan Basco’nun batı kıyılarını çiziyor.

9. Naidi Hills (Basco Deniz Feneri + Bunker Cafe)

Naidi Tepeleri
İlin birçok ünlü yapısı olan Basco Deniz Feneri, adadaki sadece iki ve üç eyalette üç kişiden biridir. (Diğer ikisi Mahatao ve Sabtang’da.) Altı katlı kule, Naidi Tepeleri’nin ortasında güçlü bir şekilde duruyor. Naidi iki Ivatan kelimesinden geliyor: Na, “geçmiş” anlamına geliyor; ve Idi, “yerleşim” anlamına geliyor.

Bir görme güvertesi, Batı Filipin Denizi ve kasabanın uygun bir manzarasını sunan beşinci katı daire içine aldı.

Basco Deniz Feneri 2003 yılında, savaş sırasında yok edilen eski deniz feneri ve Amerikan telgraf tesislerinin yerinde inşa edildi.

10. Basco Town uygun

Turdan sonra, hala enerjiniz varsa şehir merkezinde dolaşın. Sokaklarda çok sayıda restoranı (bazıları ilerleme rezervasyonu gerektirir) ve sokak yemeklerini deneyin.

STO ziyareti ile yolculuğu bitirin. Batanes’deki ilk Katolik kilisesi olan Domingo Katedrali (Basco Katedrali), 18. yüzyılın başlarında inşa edildi.

Basco Town uygun
Not: Chadpidan Plajı ve Nakamaya mezarlıkları tipik olarak Kuzey Batan Turu’nun bir parçası değildir. Bu siteleri ziyaret etmek istiyorsanız, lütfen Seyahat Kılavuzu/Koordinatörünü bilgilendirin. Ek ücretler geçerli olabilir.

Batanes üç tekerlekli bisiklet sürücüsü: İletişimimiz Dale Veracruz’du. +63 929 341 0941. Oran: P1000, 2pax için iyi.

Oraya Nasıl Gidilir: Manila’dan Buddy Express (Filipin Havayolları) veya Skyjet aracılığıyla Basco’ya uçun. At the town center, you may rent a bike or hike a tricycle for a North Batan Tour.

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